Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Outreach is near!

The lecture phase is coming to an end and outreach is drawing near! We're leaving on Dec. 26th for Sri Lanka and then we'll head to Indonesia on Feb. 14th (estimate). I think we're planning to be back on Mar. 14th, spend a week in Perth and then head back home.

We received a contact in Sri Lanka and now have a tentative schedule! We'll be working with an orphanage, providing relief to where the tsunami hit 3 years ago, and working in a nursery home. I'm really excited to go to the coast where the tsunami and spread the love of God there. All the details are pretty slim as of now and I'll let you all know more when I find out. As far as Indonesia goes we'll be in the city of Jakarta but we're still working out what we'll be doing and what contact we'll be working with. I've heard that for Jakarta we have to be careful with any media so I won't be able to check the blog during that time. I'll find the most convenient way to update everyone and let you know later.

Anyways, this is going to be a quick update. This week our topic is Lordship and it has been awesome. Our speaker is Dave Gustafson from LA! he is the director at YWAM LA. Great man of God, hilarious speaker. One of my favorite things he's said was "God I'm bored, blow my mind!" I've been learning a lot about giving things. Imagine making a very, very tight fist as if it's something you're holding onto in life wheter it be your dreams, goals, desires, whatever. Once you try letting go you realize that it hurts because you've been making a fist for so long! But only until you open up your hand can God put His gifts in your life. Once that happens we tend to hold onto that again and God has to teach us to let go all over again. We not only have to trust God with everything but have a heart after His own so our desires are in line with His!

Some prayer requests:
  • Healing for Emily and Petra. Emily has a inner ear imbalance problem which has made her miss a lot of class for 2 months now. Petra is our team leader who is still recovering from Dengue fever when she was in Jakarta during her last outreach.
  • Health and safety for our entire team. We need God's protection beginning now from physical and spiritual attacks. Sri Lanka is still in a cival war and we also need to be careful in Jakarta. Spiritual warfare has been a big lesson to us. When we're doing big things for God the enemy is going to try to attack so we have been constantly wearing our battle armour.
  • In Sri Lanka we're getting visas upon arrival so be praying on the day we arrive (the 27th) that everyone is able to get into the country without any problems.
  • Last but definitely not least, that God will TAKE THESE NATIONS! God has given all of us a heart for these countries and we are desperately pressing in to see God work. We want these nations to be woken up and revived for the glory and kingdom of God, woohoooo!
Time has flown by so fast. I hope God has been growing in all of you more than He has been in me. And if not, I encourage all of you to earnestly seek Him with all your heart! He will meet you and He will "blow your mind!" That's a promise.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Andrew, Just wanted to drop you a quick note on the eve of your departure to sri lanka. I wonder how you are feeling, excited, scared, anxious? All of your training up to this point has lead to this. But I think no matter how many months, years of classroom training, it will never be enough for all the challenges you will face in the field. Out there, God is your instructor, and your team leader, for mission and for life training. As you go out there in faith, He will grant you all of the wisdom and strength you need to do His work. Just like that scene in Indiana Jones when Indiana has to cross this bridge that he cannot see, you just have to trust and exercise that faith that you have always had with you, but just have to use!! I am with you in prayer, as as many others here. Go bless and be blessed!